Assignment (Chained tasks 2-5 you should complete all tasks)

Create task 1 update (expansion pack v1.1). Append your practice task 1 with these functions:

  • Achievments System:
    • display achievments table minimum 15-20 unique achievements;
    • add some filter completed or not completed achievments;
    • create different gameplay levels for e.g. easy, medium, hard, impossible, special, veteran ect.;
    • trigger achievment when some storyline chapter is done or enemy was destroyed;
  • Player Level System:
    • earn experience points when you completing game: chapter, level or simple killing enemies;
    • choose any type of experience progression type for e.g. linear or horizontal progression;
    • level up functionallity unlocking something new;
  • Player HUD:
    • in HUD display player character: level, experience points, health points, achievment points earned, current virtual currency or any type of information for choosed topic;
    • display player HUD during the gameplay;