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Real Life Algorithms Overview

Algorithms are precise step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish a desired task. A formal algorithm for use with computers or in mathematics must be very detailed and resolve the ambiguities that we take for granted in everyday life. Your first out of class assignment is to pick a common or interesting task and approach it algorithmically, breaking it down to the level that a computer might understand.


For this project you need to pick an everyday or interesting task and create an algorithm that explains how to do it.

  • You need to specify what (if anything) is input (like ingredients in a recipe);
  • The process by which you operate on that input to produce or accomplish a task;
  • What the output of the algorithm is;
  • What (if any) assumptions are made in the algorithm.

What to turn in

Type your algorithm up using the following example as a template. Name the task your algorithm describes, the input and output, and then list the steps involved, numbering each, followed by what your algorithm assumes.


Algorithm: Calling a friend on the telephone
Input: The telephone number of your friend.
Output: None

  • Pick up the phone and listen for a dial tone
  • Press each digit of the phone number on the phone
  • If busy, hang up phone, wait 5 minutes, jump to step 2
  • If no one answers, leave a message then hang up
  • If no answering machine, hang up and wait 2 hours, then jump to step 2
  • Talk to friend
  • Hang up phone
  • Step 1 assumes that you live alone and no one else could be on the phone.
  • The algorithm assumes the existence of a working phone and active service.
  • The algorithm assumes you are not deaf or mute.
  • The algorithm assumes a normal corded phone.

Real Life Algorithm implementation (student from group PI16C)

// Author Gabrielius K.
// Real Life Algortithm

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

bool fireplace = false;
bool shelter = false;

struct Backpack{

	int matchsticks;
	int logs;
	float l_of_water;
	float kg_of_meat;
	bool tent;
	bool shovel;
	bool hatchet;


class Adventurer
	Backpack backpack;
	int hunger;
	int thirst;
	int sleep;

	bool alive = true;

	void INFO()
		cout << "*********SURVIVOR************\n";
		cout << "Hunger: " << hunger << "%\n";
		cout << "Thirst: " << thirst << "%\n";
		cout << "Sleep: " << sleep << "%\n";
		cout << "*********BACKPACK************\n";
		cout << "KG_Meat: " << backpack.kg_of_meat << "KG\n";
		cout << "L_Water: " << backpack.l_of_water << "L\n";
		cout << "Matchsticks: " << backpack.matchsticks << "\n";
		cout << "Logs: " << backpack.logs << "\n\n";

		cout << "Tent: " << backpack.tent << "\n";
		cout << "Shovel: " << backpack.shovel << "\n";
		cout << "Hatchet: " << backpack.hatchet << "\n";
		cout << "*****************************\n";

	void MakeFireplace()
		if(backpack.matchsticks >= 5 && backpack.logs > 5 && fireplace == false)
			sleep -= 20;
			hunger -= 10;
			thirst -= 15;

			backpack.matchsticks -= 5;
			backpack.logs -= 5;
			fireplace = true;

			cout << "Fireplace made!\n";
		else if (backpack.matchsticks < 5 && backpack.logs > 5 && fireplace == false) {
			sleep -= 30;
			hunger -= 20;
			thirst -= 15;

			backpack.logs -= 5;
			fireplace = true;
			cout << "You didn't have enough matchsticks, that took some effort...\n";
		else if (backpack.logs < 5) cout << "You don't have enough lumber, go chop some\n";
		else cout << "You already have a fireplace...\n";


	void MakeShelter()
		if(backpack.tent && sleep > 10)
			sleep -= 10;
			cout << "You established your tent, sleep won't harm that much";
			backpack.tent = 0;
		else if (sleep > 30)
			sleep -= 30;
			cout << "You made a shelter from sticks and leaves, that took some effort...\n";
		else cout << "You don't have enough energy...";

	void CookAndEat()
		if(fireplace == true && backpack.kg_of_meat > 0.5 && sleep > 5)
			sleep -= 5;
			hunger += 25;
			thirst += 5;

			backpack.kg_of_meat -= 0.5;

			cout << "That was some delicious meat!\n";
		else if (backpack.kg_of_meat < 0.5) cout << "You don't have enough meat, you should go hunting\n";
		else if (sleep < 5) cout << "Not enough energy, you need to go sleep\n";
		else cout << "You have to make a fireplace first\n";

	void DrinkWater()
		if (backpack.l_of_water > 0.5)
			thirst += 25;

			backpack.l_of_water -= 0.5;
			cout << "Fresh water tastes good\n";
		else cout << "You don't have a drop of water, go get some!\n";

	void GatherWater()

		if (sleep > 20) {
			sleep -= 20;

			backpack.l_of_water += 2;

			cout << "You've gathered some fresh spring water\n";
		else cout << "Not enough energy, you need to go sleep\n";

	void GoHunting()
		if (sleep > 20) {
			sleep -= 20;

			backpack.kg_of_meat += 1;
			cout << "Hunting went successfully\n";
		else cout << "Not enough energy, you need to go sleep\n";

	void ChopWood()
		if(sleep > 20 && backpack.hatchet)
			sleep -= 10;
			backpack.logs += 5;
			cout << "You've gathered some logs!\n";
		else if (sleep > 20){
			sleep -= 30;
			backpack.logs += 5;
			cout << "You've gathered some logs but you didn't have Hatchet, you got tired.\n";
		else cout << "Not enough energy, you need to go sleep\n";

	void GoSleep(bool & COMPLETE)
		COMPLETE = true;

		if (shelter && (hunger < 30 || thirst < 30)) alive = false;
		else if (hunger < 50 || thirst < 50) alive = false;
		else alive = true;

} Person;

void Menu()
	cout << "--------Pick an action------\n";
	cout << "1. Cook and Eat something\n";
	cout << "2. Drink some water\n";
	cout << "3. Go hunting\n";
	cout << "4. Get some water from spring\n";
	cout << "5. Chop some wood\n";
	cout << "6. Make a fireplace\n";
	cout << "7. Make a shelter\n";
	cout << "0. Go to sleep\n";
	cout << "----------------------------\n";
	cout << "Option: ";

int main()

	bool COMPLETE = false;


	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "Your goal is to live through the night.\n";
	cout << "To do so, you have to go to sleep\n";
	cout << "Going to sleep will reduce all of your life meters by 50%\n";
	cout << "You can do various things to help you live through the night.\n";
	cout << "                      GOOD LUCK!.\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n\n";

	cout << "First, we need to specify, what do we have:\n"
			"How much matchsticks do you have : "; cin >> Person.backpack.matchsticks;
	cout << "How many logs do you have : "; cin >> Person.backpack.logs;
	cout << "How many liters of water do you have : "; cin >> Person.backpack.l_of_water;
	cout << "How many kilo of meat do you have : "; cin >> Person.backpack.kg_of_meat;
	cout << "Do you have a tent? [1/0] : "; cin >> Person.backpack.tent;
	cout << "Do you have a shovel? [1/0] : "; cin >> Person.backpack.shovel;
	cout << "Do you have a hatchet? [1/0] : "; cin >> Person.backpack.hatchet;
	Person.hunger = rand() % 20 + 30;
	Person.thirst = rand() % 20 + 30;
	Person.sleep = rand() % 20 + 80;

	while (!COMPLETE) {

		int opt; cin >> opt;
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		case 6:
		case 7:
		case 0:
			cout << "Invalid option.\n";


		cout << "CONGRATULATIONS, you've managed to survive!\n";
		cout << "         Thank you for playing.\n";
		cout << "Unfortunately, You did not make it through the night\n";
		cout << "             Thank you for playing.\n";

    return 0;